As stewards of the planet, we work to sustain, protect, and support Mother Earth.
Young Living farms stand apart in the essential oil industry and set the standard for planting, growing, harvesting, distilling, and producing essential oils. That's why our essential oil farms play such an integral role in our Seed to Seal® quality commitment, which commits us to providing pure, potent essential oils
為了將純淨、芬芳的精油帶到全球數以萬千的家庭中,Young Living 悠樂芳遍佈全球的自有與合作農場始終堅守「種子到密封」的嚴格製程,為每一項生產步驟設立嚴格標準,包含種植、培育、採收、蒸餾與生產。也因此,Young Living農場在精油業界一直保持著別樹一幟的領先地位。 我們投入大量的時間和資源,以確保不論在我們的自有農場、合作農場還是獲得「 SEED TO SEAL 種子到密封」認證的供應商,標準皆可始終如一,讓您和您的家人盡情享受來自大自然的珍貴回饋。
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